New paper: 3D printed microfluidic inlets

Congratulations to Hannah Musgrove on her second publication, which is part of the Chips & Tips blog associated with Lab on a Chip. She shares her elegant design for a robust, printable microfluidic port in the post, with detailed instructions.  If you are or ever will be 3D printing plastic microfluidic chips, you've faced the chip-to-world problem. Hannah's design works well for SLA and DLP printing, including for small microfluidic tubing. This posting went through editorial review and revision, and we are delighted to share it.

Musgrove HB and Pompano RR. Threadless chip-to-world connections on resin 3D printed microscale devices.” In Chips & Tips (2022), a curated open access blog associated with Lab on a Chip.

Posted on December 8, 2022 .